So its New's day and you have brunch event to attend. I say wear lace :-)
So I've been eyeballing this skirt on New Look all last night and just when I decided to pull the trigger I realize they don't have my size. Ugh Go figure ;-)
On to breakfast this morning, ahhh how delicious it was. I woke up craving shrimp and eggs. After an intense session with my Kettlebells I figured a nice big breakfast was fitting. Now I normally don't blog about recipes but this meal I just had to share.
2 eggs
ginger (paste (1tbsp) or root diced up)
White cooking wine 1/4cup
olive oil (1tbsp)
coconut Oil (1tbsp)
summer squash
butternut squash
red pepper flakes 1/2tbsp
~ Cut and boil Butternut squash till tender
~ Heat olive oil in pan then add shrimp, ginger 1/2tbsp, basil and salt
~When Shrimp is almost pink add white wine. Stir and leave for 1-2mins or until simmer.
~ Take Shrimp and its sauce out of pan and place on your dish
~ Add coconut oil to empty pan
~Add shallots, remaining giner, red pepper flakes, Zucchini, summer squash. Sautee until tender
~Then add boiled butternut squash and mash.
~place your mashed squash next to shrimp on your dish
~ Fry easy over egg